Let's Build Together Subcontractor Event Whiting-Turner Team will provide specific information about the Sentara Albemarle Medical Center project, when bid documents will be available, and other ways to get involved. Since all new subs/vendors must be pre-qualified, we will be reviewing our pre-qualification procedure and providing insight into our Quality and Safety programs. Agenda 1. Safety & Quality Control 2. On-site safety requirements 3. On-site Quality Control 4. One-on-one counseling services with SBTDC for Capability Statements, NAICS Codes, Duns & Bradstreet, SAMS Registration, and covid19 related funding and support
Speaker(s): Whiting-Turner Team Elizabeth City State University Small Business Technology Development Center
Registration required: https://access.sbtdc.org/reg.aspx?mode=counsel¢er=42009&subloc=0
Fee: No Cost